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Show it, sell it; hide them, keep them February 7, 2021 Product The best product marketing campaigns follow a very simple road map: “Show it, sell it; hide them, keep them” Show it : Optimize your marketing to Your first week as a PM Checklist October 28, 2019 Product It doesn’t matter if joined a new workplace, took on the responsibilities as a Product Manager for the first time or are joining another team in the Things that no one tells you about being a Product Manager July 20, 2019 Product The most common question folks ask me is some variation of “How do I become a Product Manager” & “How did I land up a Product gig”. I usually tell Escape Velocity and Products November 21, 2018 Product I still remember asking my physics teacher as to why can’t I throw my pencil into space when I was in 6th grade: That day I learnt something called