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Harsha Halvi's Blog
Escape Velocity and Products November 21, 2018 Product I still remember asking my physics teacher as to why can’t I throw my pencil into space when I was in 6th grade: That day I learnt something called The one that never was October 28, 2018 Musings Naval Ravikant constantly talks about staying in the present and that strikes a chord with me all the time but there is just one problem, a The Best Mac Apps that I use everyday October 21, 2018 Random An interesting conversation is around app discovery and is one I ended up having with some friends of mine post Mac OS Mojave’s release. With the My Notes from getting real October 19, 2018 Notes I know I am late to the party but I recently gave Getting Real by Basecamp a read and I found myself rereading it like a manual of doing things and The One That Didn’t Work Out October 18, 2018 Startups Andrew Chen recently talked about “The One That Didn’t Work Out” on Twitter and the whole thread hit me. I could relate a lot to the whole thing. My