Andrew Chen recently talked about “The One That Didn’t Work Out” on Twitter and the whole thread hit me. I could relate a lot to the whole thing. My first startup, the first everything and then telling everyone that this is it, we are going to do this for the rest of our lives until it doesn’t work out. Chen summed perfectly ” The product that you stared at, every day, for years, gets shut down. It’s time to move on But it’s hard to move on. You move your old photos, old decks, old prototypes into a folder deep in your Dropbox drive”. Outcome aside the process and journey of creation itself gives a lot of learnings. It’s an amazing experience, but also, it can be rough. Under copious amounts of influence from Miracle of sound and unhealed wounds i found the strength to open the dreaded dropbox folder that i had put down as something i never wanted to open.
This is the screenshot of the dropbox folder of that startup Contactz that failed to take off but i remain thankful for the same since it made me smarter, stronger and also helped me learn a lot of things quickly.
Contactz's Dropbox Folder
I did a tweet storm around the same: Andrew Chen’s Tweetstorm that inspired it :
If you have the same folder stored on Drobpox, Drive, Mails, some notebook or even in your mind Open them: Trust me you will be thankful for all the learnings"The One That Didn't Work Out." Startup founders, you know what I mean: We spend years on a product - starting it from scratch, recruiting friends, getting it off the ground. We think we'll spend years on this. This is the one. We tell that to ourselves, investors, and friends
— andrew chen (@andrewchen) October 15, 2018